Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stink bugs news-google 06/01/2011

Roy Exum: Stink Bugs & 'Code Police'
The Chattanoogan
If the noise from the cicadas bugs isn't loud enough to get your attention, fruit growers in the entire Eastern United States are scared that a new invasion of stink bugs – that's right, brown marmoratedstink bugs – pose the worst threat to ...
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Garnet Nuggets
Delco News Network
I'm sure your home, like everyone else's has had a heavy invasion of stink bugs this year. They seem to be everywhere, but when I woke up one night to find one crawling on my face, I nearly screamed. They don't bite but it's very disconcerting to get ...
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Mosquito-Control Spraying to Resume This Week
By John Wilfong | Email the author | 12:00pm Just step outside for a few moments and it quickly becomes apparent the pest is back—and no, we're not talking about stink bugs. It's mosquito season and already in some areas they are back with a vengeance ...
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The Scoop: The Arc's annual fundraising walk June 5; Woodstown-Pilesgrove ...
Today's Sunbeam -
Stink bugs everywhere! Some people are now finding the pests inside their cars. Just a couple of weeks and Salem County high school seniors will be graduating. What do you do if someone breaks your favorite dish? Apparently in Salem they call 911.
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Today's Sunbeam -

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