Friday, September 23, 2011

More stories about the Stinkbug..

As temperatures cool, stink bugs start seeking shelter
York Daily Record
By FRANK D. ROYLANCE Notice the brown and white pattern of the brown marmorated stink bug, which might threaten fruit trees. The harvest is on, and the nights are getting colder. So some have begun to wonder when the stink bugs will show up. ...
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Outdoor Pests Move Inside with Cooler Weather
Stink bugs and lady bugs will start looking for warmer areas to live over winter. By Malarie Dauginikas FARMINGTON -- As the temperatures creep lower, spring and summer pests might start to make themselves at home in houses. Stink bugs and lady bugs ...
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Wolf Spiders Ate All Our Chinese Stink Bugs
Following the first US landing, in Allentown PA, of a successful breeding population of Chinese Stink Bugs, US Mid-Atlantic states were swarming with the damn things (see photo below). The Chinese Stinkers don't bite but they are large and medieval ...
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

As temperatures cool, stink bugs start seeking shelter

So some Marylanders have begun to wonder when the stink bugs will show up. The experts say it won't be long. But they disagree on whether there will be fewer of them this time around, or more. "I personally have more than last year. ...
As temperatures cool, stink bugs start seeking shelter

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nationally recognized stinkbug expert: They're on their way

Residents are reported seeing few stink bugs in their homes so far this late in the summer season, but Leskey said they are on their way.

"There are plenty of bugs out there," she said. "We've learned from our own observations and monitoring that they're just now starting to move indoors. They're still gorging themselves in the fields and gardens, but come mid-September, they'll be heading for the house and a warm place to spend the winter."

Read more..

Nationally recognized stinkbug expert: They're on their way

Monday, September 5, 2011

N.C. scientists try halting stink bugs - Science/Technology -

The Asian stink bug has started its migration into North Carolina, and researchers at N.C. State University have prepped their labs, set their traps and launched a monitoring website - all in an effort to stop the pest's spread.

The work is urgent. This insect, also known as the brown marmorated stink bug, has decimated crops in the mid-Atlantic states. The North Carolina researchers have their eyes on apples, peaches, tomatoes and corn - aiming to save these high-dollar crops from the stink-bug scourge

read more.

N.C. scientists try halting stink bugs - Science/Technology -

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Stink Bugs on Soybeans

Stink Bugs on Soybeans

Last May we wrote an article that discussed potential concerns with stink bugs this summer and in coming years. We are especially worried about the brown marmorated stink bug, an invasive stink bug moving toward Ohio from the Mid-Atlantic States. Reports from that region are that the brown marmorated stink bug is again causing injury to soybeans at this time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ag Today: Stink bugs mating, more active - Carroll County Times: Agriculture

Ag Today: Stink bugs mating, more active - Carroll County Times: Agriculture:

"During the past several days, brown marmorated stink bugs have
started to invade vegetable plots in Beltsville."

New stink bug species could affect farmers

A new species of stink bug has been spotted in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois and researchers say it's a matter of time before breeding populations start moving in.

Phil Pellitteri, an insert expert at the University of Wisconsin Extension, says the new species called the brown marmorated stink bug is coming from the East Coast and they will eventually affect farmers' profits.

Read more .......

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Win a Stink Bug T Shirt

Win a Stink BUG   T. Shirt today..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Principal eats stink bugs for students |

Talk about population control ... Hillsboro Elementary School Principal Dave Michener rewards his students for reaching their reading goal by eating stink bug tacos.

Principal eats stink bugs for students |

Friday, June 17, 2011

RESCUE!® - Breaking the stink bug cycle

So you had a stink bug invasion inside your house this past fall, winter and spring. Now that it's nearly summer, you're not seeing them anymore. Has the problem gone away?

Hardly. If any adult stink bugs were inside your house this spring, they have: 1) died inside the house; and/or 2) found their way back outside to mate and lay eggs

read more:

RESCUE!® - Breaking the stink bug cycle

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Just saw and Bought the first spray for sink bugs. It is made by P.F. Harris. Got the 1 Gallon for $14.99 at Home depot.  More info:
On line amazon will have it soon.

The product is active once it dries..


Monday, June 13, 2011

06/13 Updates

bug infestation expected to reach the North Fork
The Suffolk Times
By Jessica DiNapoli | June 13, 2011 in Featured Stories, News, Real Estate DAN GILREIN COURTEYS PHOTO | Stink bugs likes all plants; and peaches, apples, plums, cherries and blueberries are some fruits they favor. Calverton farmer Howard Lewin can ...
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Stink bug tracking
Baltimore Sun (blog)
Jon Traunfeld of the University of Maryland Extension found a brown marmorated stink bug on his raspberries, and he is asking the rest of us to help keep track of this pest by noting which fruits or vegetables it is not just sitting on, but feeding on. ...
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Baltimore Sun (blog)
Seasons weighed in waves of creepy-crawlies
The Standard
Within a day of the weather warming this spring I was inundated by stinkbugs - strange little vari-colored beetle things that give off an offensive odor. A few days later thick clouds of mosquitoes swarmed every evening, interspersed with ladybirds and ...
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Web2 new results for stink bugs
Stink Bugs raising a stink this spring | ASPENN Environmental ...
For most homeowners, Pentatomoidea – more commonly known as the stink bug – is little more than a smelly household pest. For farmers all across the east ...
how to get rid of stink bugs « how to get rid of stink bugs
It is no laughing matter when you have got to deal with stink bugs stink but a handful of information about these bugs and an armload of approach can aid in ...

Friday, June 10, 2011

06/10 Headlines

Stink bugs pose noxious challenge
Fresno Business Journal
Stink bugs are appropriately named for their defense mechanism, when they feel threatened, of emitting a noxious blast of odor. Native stink bugs don't pose a great threat to local farmers because they have natural predators. ...
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FRANKLIN COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS: Stink bugs can be real stinkers
Chambersburg Public Opinion
Even though you may hear people say that the brown marmorated stink bug usually only gives off an unpleasant odor when it is squished, the stink bug does have the ability to use its scent as a defense mechanism. The brown marmorated stink bug continues ...
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

06/05 stinkbug headlines

School assignment leads to statewide pest alert for stink bugs
Kalamazoo Gazette -
By Rosemary Parker | Kalamazoo Gazette Courtesy of Erwin 'Duke' ElsnerThe infamous first brown marmorated stink bug recorded from Michigan. ...
Can a stink bug film be far behind?
Chambersburg Public Opinion
But that's not to say some people haven't taken note of the bug's prospects for horror. US Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., critiqued the stink bug's screen ...
Franklin County area's wet spring affects other bugs
Chambersburg Public Opinion
By JIM HOOK Senior writer FRANKLIN COUNTY -- The cool, wet spring hasn't kept stink bugs from smelling or mosquitoes from biting, but it has deterred the ...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

News links 6/2/11

Entomology student research contributes to ag worldwide
Grant Tribune Sentinel
Wan Zaki, a doctoral student from Malaysia, is studying stink bugs in corn and ... Adult and nymphstink bugs damage corn and soybeans by penetrating plant ...
Stink bugs are moving in
Stink bugs have invaded 34 states in the last decade and they're still on the move – destroying millions of dollars worth of crops as they go. ...
Tooter now joins my collection of all things skunk
Tillsonburg News
But his little bug friend taught him the meaning of partnership when he created the stink instead of Tooter and saved his friend! He was a stink bug...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stink bugs news-google 06/01/2011

Roy Exum: Stink Bugs & 'Code Police'
The Chattanoogan
If the noise from the cicadas bugs isn't loud enough to get your attention, fruit growers in the entire Eastern United States are scared that a new invasion of stink bugs – that's right, brown marmoratedstink bugs – pose the worst threat to ...
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Garnet Nuggets
Delco News Network
I'm sure your home, like everyone else's has had a heavy invasion of stink bugs this year. They seem to be everywhere, but when I woke up one night to find one crawling on my face, I nearly screamed. They don't bite but it's very disconcerting to get ...
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Mosquito-Control Spraying to Resume This Week
By John Wilfong | Email the author | 12:00pm Just step outside for a few moments and it quickly becomes apparent the pest is back—and no, we're not talking about stink bugs. It's mosquito season and already in some areas they are back with a vengeance ...
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The Scoop: The Arc's annual fundraising walk June 5; Woodstown-Pilesgrove ...
Today's Sunbeam -
Stink bugs everywhere! Some people are now finding the pests inside their cars. Just a couple of weeks and Salem County high school seniors will be graduating. What do you do if someone breaks your favorite dish? Apparently in Salem they call 911.
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Today's Sunbeam -

Friday, May 27, 2011

Todays Links

Stink bug has growers on alert
The Packer
That's a glass-half-full interpretation of the industry's war on the brown marmorated stink bug. The half-empty take is that last year, growers didn't have to deal with the pest until the end of the season but will have to work on it earlier this year. ...
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Invasive insect brings big stink
Columbia Daily Tribune
The bug began appearing in mid-Atlantic orchards in 2003-04 and exploded in number last year. This spring, stink bugs have been seen in 33 states, including every one east of the Mississippi River and as far west as California, Oregon and Washington. ...
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Crop-Eating Invader Raising a Stink Across US
Earthweek - A Diary of the Planet
Stink bugs are becoming, by far, the main reason people are calling exterminators across parts of the eastern United States. A foul-smelling invader is marching ever forward across the United States, already posing a major threat to agriculture. ...
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Friday, May 20, 2011

Stink bug spread worries growers across nation

Associated Press
EMMITSBURG, Md. (AP) - An insect with a voracious appetite, no domestic natural predators and a taste for everything from apples to lima beans has caused millions of dollars in crop damage and may just be getting started.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ACE hardware will be the first to sell the RESCUE STINK BUG Trap...


ACE is the place... to buy the RESCUE! Stink Bug Trap! Participating ACE Hardware locations will carry the trap beginning in July. To find an ACE store near you, click on "Store Locator" on their web site and type in your zip code.

Ace Hardware Stores
Browse for Hardware, Home Improvement, and Tools.

Let Ace Hardware provide you with great hardware products and advice from our official online home. Whether you are looking for paint, lawn & garden supplies, hardware or tools, Ace Hardware has everything you need!..

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

RESCUE!® offers both outdoor and indoor solution for stink bugs

RESCUE!® offers both outdoor and indoor solution for stink bugs"


Contact: Stephanie Cates
Director of Marketing and Communications
Mobile: (509) 710-5108
Office: (509) 343-3621
Twitter: @rescue

SPOKANE, WA, May 10, 2011 – In addition to its forthcoming outdoor Stink Bug Trap, RESCUE!® is unveiling an indoor solution for stink bugs today at the 2011 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas.
Available in July 2011, the RESCUE!® Stink Bug Trap works outdoors to intercept adult stink bugs before they enter homes, as well as the younger generations that damage gardens and fruit trees. The trap lures multiple species of pest stink bugs with pheromone attractants that are odor-free to humans.
The reusable trap comes with a 2-week attractant supply and has a suggested retail price of $19.99. A 7-week attractant refill will be sold separately for around $9.99 retail.
When stink bugs venture inside homes to hibernate as summer turns to fall, RESCUE!® has trap for that as well. With a light accessory that retails around $17.99, the same RESCUE!® Stink Bug Trap can be used indoors. The blue LED light attachment plugs into a wall outlet and illuminates the trap to draw stink bugs when they are active inside the home.
Once stink bugs are trapped either outdoors or indoors, they dehydrate inside the trap chamber for easy, odor-free disposal and reuse.
The stink bug has been called a “terrorist bug”; its spread deemed a “national crisis”. It has received major media attention since September 2010 when its populations exploded in the U.S.. RESCUE!® is the first established lawn & garden product manufacturer to offer an answer to the growing problem.



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Researchers develop stink bug monitoring tool

Researchers develop stink bug monitoring tool

( -- As crop growers and homeowners brace for another year of infestations by the brown marmorated stink bug, Penn State researchers have released a Web-based tool that they hope will help enhance their understanding of this invasive insect pest. Developed in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the mapping tool is embedded in a website found at online.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Have you seen them in your house yet? THEY ARE BACK

Spring is here, flowers, warm weather and Good old Mr #Sinkbugs.
I am curious to know how far have they reached, I only recall seeing them in Maryland like 3 years ago, but every year they increase.........

Last year I tried this in my front steps, I had installed the yellow insect lights and I sprayed   Home Defense Max Ready-To-Use Liquid  insecticide and every morning, for like three week I would collect a Jar full of the bugs, all ages and sizes and some other insect. Home Defense is sage inside, But I have not tried that.

I am not sure if the insecticide even had anything to do with it:-) Any Idea.

Experts: Stink Bugs Becoming Multimillion-Dollar Problem - Baltimore, Maryland News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Experts: Stink Bugs Becoming Multimillion-Dollar Problem - Baltimore, Maryland News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Articles about Stinkbugs

OK, our final post on the dang stink bug nemesis 

The Spokesman Review (blog) - ‎12 hours ago‎
Biomed Middle East - ‎1 hour ago‎ (blog) - John Metcalfe - ‎16 hours ago‎
PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Feb 24, 2011‎ 
It's OK to be inhumane to stinkbugs. Cats? Not so much. 
Culpeper Star Exponent - Hope Smith - ‎Feb 25, 2011‎
Karst chat with Tracy Leskey: What about the brown marmorated stink bug? 
The Packer - Tom Karst - ‎Feb 24, 2011‎
Will stink bugs be done in by temperature spike? - Lauren Whetzel - ‎Feb 23, 2011‎
Region Fights Stinkbug Infestation WLWT Cincinnati - ‎Feb 24, 2011‎ 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Share you best way to get rid of them..

Do you
  • Flush down the toilet-
  • Spray Windex, Tilex, any other 
  • Catch and release
  • Crush and deal with the smell..
  • any other?
Share you way?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stink Bug Trap comming in July.... How many do you need.

Sterling International, has developed a stink bug trap and it will be in the market in July.

The reusable trap comes with a 2-week attractant supply and is expected to be priced at $19.99 retail. A 7-week attractant refill will be sold separately for $9.99 retail.

USDA Labs in Beltsville MD have been testing the trap and they like the result.

hey it is a start.


more info:


Stink bug trap on the way
Saturday, February 12, 2011