Tuesday, March 26, 2013

EPA realeases info about the marmorated Sing bud

23 July 2012
The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is an invasive pest, that is becoming wide-spread in the U.S. and is of concern to farmers. It feeds on a large number of high-value crops and ornamental plants in its immature and adult life stages. The species is native to Asia and was introduced into the United States in the mid-1990s, possibly stowing away in a shipping container. Their numbers and range have been growing since that time, and they have proved difficult to manage.
In 2010, these stink bugs were seen in extremely high numbers in the mid-Atlantic region. They were responsible for causing major economic damage to fruits and vegetables on a number of farms. In addition to plant damage, brown marmorated stink bugs are a nuisance to people. Adult stink bugs may seek shelter inside houses and other buildings, although they do not bite people or pets, nor do they damage buildings.

Read more about what EPA is doing:


For More Information

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stink Bugs News 5/17 from Google....

'Stink Bug' .....unsavoury name, fascinating critter :) [Archive ...
I have, of course seen these guys everywhere.. but the other day stopped to have a better look at an adult ...
Message Boards - "What exactly do stink bugs smell like?" - NSBR ...
Loc: An hour west of Blue Heaven. Posted: 5/16/2012 2:15:04 PM. Ass. Seriously, I don't know of anything to compare them to. They're a very distinct odor. --- ...
kill stinkbugs
I tend to live-and-let-live when it comes to nature, but I declared war on stinkbugs * when my wife was bitten by one near her eye, while she was sleeping.
stink bugs??? - Chameleon Forums
stink bug flew in my cage while misting and snap she ate it. I know they are not a recomended Feeder but should I worry?
Stink Bug Control Center - Garden.com
Garden.com is your one-stop home garden center! We carry a huge selection of garden décor products including patio furniture, garden fountains, garden ...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Collect Stink Bugs for Science

Science project, anyone? A researcher at the Hudson Valley Laboratory (part of the state agriculture and extension program) has put out a call to Patch readers for stink bugs.

Read more:


Friday, September 23, 2011

More stories about the Stinkbug..

As temperatures cool, stink bugs start seeking shelter
York Daily Record
By FRANK D. ROYLANCE Notice the brown and white pattern of the brown marmorated stink bug, which might threaten fruit trees. The harvest is on, and the nights are getting colder. So some have begun to wonder when the stink bugs will show up. ...
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Outdoor Pests Move Inside with Cooler Weather
Stink bugs and lady bugs will start looking for warmer areas to live over winter. By Malarie Dauginikas FARMINGTON -- As the temperatures creep lower, spring and summer pests might start to make themselves at home in houses. Stink bugs and lady bugs ...
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Wolf Spiders Ate All Our Chinese Stink Bugs
Following the first US landing, in Allentown PA, of a successful breeding population of Chinese Stink Bugs, US Mid-Atlantic states were swarming with the damn things (see photo below). The Chinese Stinkers don't bite but they are large and medieval ...
See all stories on this topic »

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

As temperatures cool, stink bugs start seeking shelter

So some Marylanders have begun to wonder when the stink bugs will show up. The experts say it won't be long. But they disagree on whether there will be fewer of them this time around, or more. "I personally have more than last year. ...
As temperatures cool, stink bugs start seeking shelter