Saturday, April 16, 2011

Have you seen them in your house yet? THEY ARE BACK

Spring is here, flowers, warm weather and Good old Mr #Sinkbugs.
I am curious to know how far have they reached, I only recall seeing them in Maryland like 3 years ago, but every year they increase.........

Last year I tried this in my front steps, I had installed the yellow insect lights and I sprayed   Home Defense Max Ready-To-Use Liquid  insecticide and every morning, for like three week I would collect a Jar full of the bugs, all ages and sizes and some other insect. Home Defense is sage inside, But I have not tried that.

I am not sure if the insecticide even had anything to do with it:-) Any Idea.

Experts: Stink Bugs Becoming Multimillion-Dollar Problem - Baltimore, Maryland News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Experts: Stink Bugs Becoming Multimillion-Dollar Problem - Baltimore, Maryland News Story - WBAL Baltimore